How to Set Up Postback for Offerwall: A Simple Guide

Author: CPAlead

Updated Friday, September 20, 2024 at 8:34 AM CDT

How to Set Up Postback for Offerwall: A Simple Guide

Welcome to this simple guide on setting up a postback for the Offerwall! Whether you're new to performance marketing or setting up your first postback, this guide will explain everything in easy terms. I'll walk you through what an Offerwall is, how it works, and how to set up a postback that works with CPAlead’s Offerwall.

What is an Offerwall?

An Offerwall is a section in a website, game, or app where visitors can complete tasks or offers (like filling out a survey or installing an app) in exchange for rewards. These rewards could be virtual currency, points, or credits in a game.

Why Do People Use an Offerwall?

  • Earn Rewards: Users can earn rewards by completing tasks.
  • Increase Engagement: Website or app owners can keep users interested and engaged.
  • Make Money: Affiliates (people promoting offers) earn money when users complete offers.

Who Can Use an Offerwall?

  • App Developers: To offer users extra rewards in games.
  • Website Owners: To keep users on their site and offer value.
  • Affiliates: To make money by promoting offers.

How Does It Benefit Users and Visitors?

Visitors earn rewards like virtual currency, credits, or points for free just by completing simple tasks. This keeps them happy and coming back for more!

What is a Postback?

A postback is a way to track when a user completes an offer. It’s an automated message that CPAlead sends to your server when a conversion (offer completion) happens. It’s like a notification that lets you know when your users complete tasks on the Offerwall.

Why Set Up a Postback?

  • Track Conversions in Real-Time: You’ll know instantly when users complete an offer.
  • Manage Campaigns: Affiliates can manage offers and payouts more effectively.
  • Better Reporting: It helps you track everything in your own system.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Postback on

Follow these simple steps to set up your postback.

1. Log In to

First, log in to your CPAlead account. If you don’t have one, sign up—it’s free.

2. Go to the Postback Configuration

In your CPAlead dashboard, find the Postback section. This is where you’ll set up your postback URL.

3. Create Your Postback URL

A postback URL is a link that tells your server a conversion has happened. You will receive important information through this link, such as the user’s details and the payout you earned.

Here’s an example of a simple postback URL:{subid}&payout={payout}

4. Add Macro Parameters

Macros are placeholders that CPAlead will replace with real data, like the conversion ID or payout amount. These are dynamic values that change for each conversion.

Here are some useful macros and how they are used:

  • {subid}: This tracks each user or transaction. For example, if a user named John completes an offer, the {subid} will represent John's unique tracking ID.
  • {payout}: The amount you earned for the conversion. If you earned $1.50, this macro will be replaced by 1.50 in the postback URL.
  • {ip_address}: The IP address of the user who completed the offer, useful for tracking where the conversion happened.

Here’s a more advanced postback URL that includes extra information:{subid}&payout={payout}&ip_address={ip_address}&campaign_id={campaign_id}

In this example, {campaign_id} would show the ID of the campaign (or offer) the user completed.

Examples of Macro Data Filling

CPAlead automatically fills in the data for each macro in real time when a user completes an offer. Let’s look at an example of how the macros in your postback URL might look once a conversion happens.

For the postback URL:{subid}&payout={payout}&ip_address={ip_address}&campaign_id={campaign_id}

After a user completes an offer, CPAlead might replace the macros with actual values like this:

In this case:

  • {subid}: This has been replaced by 12345, which could be the unique ID of the user or transaction.
  • {payout}: This is now 1.50, meaning the affiliate earned $1.50 for the conversion.
  • {ip_address}: The IP address is the user’s location when they completed the offer.
  • {campaign_id}: The campaign ID has been replaced by 5678, which identifies the specific offer the user completed.

Setting Up Your Script to Reward Users

Now that CPAlead sends this data to your server, you can use it to reward your users. For example, you can set up a PHP script on your server to process the postback and credit the user’s account with virtual currency or points.

Here’s a basic PHP example of how you might handle this data and reward your users:

        // Get data from the postback URL
        $subid = $_GET['subid'];
        $payout = $_GET['payout'];
        // Example: Calculate points based on payout (1 USD = 100 points)
        $points = $payout * 100;
        // Connect to your database
        $connection = new mysqli("hostname", "username", "password", "database");
        // Update user's points based on subid
        $sql = "UPDATE users SET points = points + $points WHERE subid = '$subid'";
        // Close the database connection

In this example, the script:

  • Retrieves the subid and payout from the postback URL.
  • Calculates the points the user should receive (100 points per $1 earned).
  • Updates the user’s points in the database using their subid to identify them.

This is a simple setup to reward users, but you can modify the script to match your system's requirements. For instance, you could store additional information like ip_address or campaign_id for more detailed tracking.

5. Enable Postback in Your CPAlead Dashboard

After creating your postback URL, paste it into the Postback Configuration area in your CPAlead dashboard and enable it.

6. Whitelist CPAlead’s IP (Optional)

For added security, you can whitelist CPAlead’s IP address to ensure that only CPAlead’s postbacks are allowed. The IP address you need to whitelist can be found inside in your publisher dashboard under the Postback section.

Setting Up the Offerwall

After setting up your postback, let’s go over how to configure your Offerwall.

1. Go to Offerwall Settings

In your CPAlead dashboard, navigate to the Offerwall section.

2. Customize the Offerwall

Here’s how you can personalize your Offerwall:

  • Offerwall Title: Give it a name that fits your website or app.
  • Header Title: This could be the name of your app or website.
  • Currency Name: Decide what users will earn. For example, “coins,” “points,” or “credits.”
  • Currency Ratio: This decides how much a user earns for completing an offer. For example, if $1 equals 100 points, set the ratio accordingly.

3. Prompt Visitors for Email or subID

If you do not want to use the postback, you have the option of manually crediting the user or visitor. With this option, the person who completes an offer successfully will be required to insert their information which you can find in the CPAlead dashboard. You can then manually reward the user based on the name they inputted and the offer they completed. This report can be found within you statistics pages.

4. Customize Look and Feel

You can modify the HTML or CSS to match the Offerwall with your website’s style.


Setting up a postback for your Offerwall on CPAlead is an essential part of tracking conversions and making sure your campaigns run smoothly. It helps you keep track of user activity, payout, and other important details. The Offerwall itself is a great way to reward users, keep them engaged, and generate revenue for you.

If you follow the steps above, you’ll have everything set up in no time. Happy tracking, and enjoy the benefits of CPAlead’s Offerwall!

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